From the moments that were unknowingly caught on camera, the jersey exchanges between teams, the friendly online banter, and the wholesome moments, we at Inven Global compiled some of those moments from Worlds 2022 play-ins. This website isn’t endorsed by Riot Games and doesn’t reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. Select a champion to display available sounds. The gameplay is and will always be what the fans will primarily focus on, but the banter, memes, and the wholesome moments are an integral part of the sport that serve as the cherry on top of the cake. Select a champion to display available sounds. RNG took down LJL’s DetonatioN FocusMe 3-1 and were the last team to move on in the tournament. They made a lot of change for it to be new-player friendly, and I cant deny that.

Evil Geniuses faced off against MAD Lions in the classic NA vs EU rival matchup, where EG swept MAD 3-0 to not only move on to groups, but to become the first LCS team to beat an LEC team in a Bo5. Yes of course, you cant be explicit in a meme. That day, the video was submitted to the /r/leagueoflegends 3 subreddit. The two first place teams of each group were DRX and Fnatic DRX went undefeated in the play-in stages, while Fnatic only dropped a single game against CBLoL’s LOUD in the round robin. On December 27th, YouTuber and Twitch streamer scarra uploaded a clip from a League of Legends livestream in which he professes his love for viewers that 'spam le toucan' (shown below). In the end, there were only four teams that made it into the group stages DRX, RNG, Evil Geniuses, and Fnatic. On Oct 5, the play-in stages of the 2022 LoL World championship came to an end.